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时间:2023-06-02 19:42 阅读数:7653人阅读

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Shaoguan Danxia Airport conducts test flight(ECNS)-The Shaoguan Danxia Airport officially started test flight on Sunday. The airport focuses on civil passenger and cargo transportation and will balance general aviation 【猎豹车型大全】猎豹报价-猎豹图片-搜狐汽车搜狐汽车提供猎豹汽车品牌报价大全及图片信息,同时为您提供猎豹汽车品牌在产/停产全系车型、高清实拍、经销商报价、最新猎豹汽车信息尽在搜狐汽车。

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World's largest amphibious aircraft to take maiden flight in MayThe state aircraft manufacturer said that engineers are finalizing preparations for the test flight.The plane has already passed a series of tests on its systems,equipment and Swiss solar plane makes historic flightAn experimental solar-powered plane completed its first 24-hour test flight on Thursday,proving that the aircraft can collect enough energy from the sun during the day to stay 。

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